A Choice for Every Society

A Choice for Every Society. PDF Version

Two choices. 1. Government serves the citizens. 2. Citizens serve their government. It is a choice.

This does not have to be a conscious choice. As a matter of fact it seldom is I am not sure it ever is. Folks can make a natural choice. That means the choice may be pre – programmed into the human mind by the forces of nature.

People give intellectual answers to questions like those above. When the two questions are entertained, the reply will be something like this. A typical answer might be, “Government serves the people in the United States. That is guaranteed in the U.S. constitution. We all learned that in school.”. 

So, how is the situation going in the United States? Here is a link to the bills on which the House and Senate have passed and sent to the president.

Bills Passed Congress-Senate Sent to President

How many citizens have heard anything about these bills? How many care one way or another? So, U.S. citizens control their government. Given absolutely none have any knowledge of what is going on in the government….how is it that U.S. citizens are in control of their government? They don’t even know what is going on in government, other than what is purposefully fed to them.

But, of course Americans are in control of their government, right? The U.S. constitution says they are, right?

When you disregard how people, institutions and laws are officially defined – and consider only how they function – that changes everything. With that, a clear picture emerges. We are looking at belief in keeping with official definitions. This is fantasy. How a thing functions is what matters.

Your Americans have plenty of relevant information. Why are they not sharing it with the citizens? That is because citizens are deemed too naive, irresponsible and ignorant to grasp what is going on. Perhaps they are. Would it make a difference if they had relevant information?  Ordinary folks do fine on juries.

If a government  controls its citizens, does that mean government has a life of its own and operates independently of everyone? That is impossible. Government is controlled by perhaps a fraction of three percent of the population. Government serves this group very well. That means you as a citizen serve them also.

In a previous article For Profit Legislation, I explain that all legislation is for profit. Given human nature, it can’t be any other way. All lawmakers act out of self – interest. It behooves them to represent the upper fraction of three percent, who control government by controlling congress. The upper fraction of the population votes but votes are not all they offer. Why they offer much more is obvious. They have so much to offer in terms of benefits and consequences that they end up getting the representation ordinary citizens merely assume they have. It isn’t that they love each other. This is all completely brutal. The result is we have multitudes of abusive bills on the books which rig markets and funnel countless dollars to the top.

Once passed, odds are nearly one hundred percent, a bill will never be repealed. Most laws become feeding frenzies on federal money. In our universe, all entities serve something or somebody. Democracy provides a unique platform where  servitude comes out even. It works the same way in free markets. In the United States we have neither. Servitude is ongoing but it never comes out even.

The big payoff to viewing life in the light of reality is that there are no surprises. Gain the Fantasy Free Advantage, which is the light of reality, and what is obvious becomes apparent immediately.


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