Natural Law And Issues of Life

Natural Law Issues Of Life Reality

Natural Law And Issues of Life

Quillian’s Theory Of Transformation of Institutions

My theory of Institutional Transformation shows that institutions are only accurately defined in terms of what they do on the first day the institutions are open. Society assumes a human incentive to serve and that folks working inside of society’s institutions are diligently trying to do the right thing.  Nature only provides one universal incentive, self interest.

After an institution is born, all who work in the institution immediately start changing in ways that support their personal goals and aspirations of the people who control the institution. Outside interests focus on the institution as as the source of their revenue and lobby to make the institution grow so as to provide even more income opportunities. After years pass, a school remains a school in the minds of citizens but, the real output produced by the school morphs into other things. Degrees are given because it is profitable to generate degreed persons.  Do folks who have degrees have any utility to society?  That question is never asked.

In time institutions lose their original function and do other things based on power and influence. Because of this process, many of society’s most trusted institutions are doing the exact opposite of what they were created to do.

Fantasy Free Economics makes no errors in this regard. Institutions are studied according to the functions they are really performing and never what they are doing in name only.

With Fantasy Free Economics, the Federal Reserve executes political agendas and doesn’t actually do anything for the country over all. Schools are expensive warehousing organizations where about 10% can take advantage of academic resources if they choose. In public high schools the most critical activity is rounding up strays and getting them on the campus. The state pays the district a large amount of money every day for every child who attends. The districts lose every day a student does not show up. Less important is what happens with them once they are in school. Any government agency does first what is good for the people who run the agency.

I study what actually happens in real life. Institutions are what they are after they have been transformed by the manifestations of self interest. An institution is what it is and not what it was intended to

What is Time? The Quillian Theory

The time we know is based upon measuring the revolution the earth makes around the sun and then how the world turns during that time period. If we lived on another planet, Neptune for example, time would still be time but we would measure it based on different orbit and different planet spin.

I am not a physicist – but I am a fan of people who are physicists. Physicists talk about things like time dilation for fast moving objects. How much time goes by depends upon how fast you are moving. Even though I am a fan of physics and physicists and admit that they are all smarter than me, I disagree with what they believe about time. I have every expectation that this theory will be quickly debunked. Nothing would make me happier. Then I would no longer be distracted from thinking about things I actually do know something about. On the other hand , if it turns out that this can’t be debunked and I am actually right ….then I should get the Nobel Prize in physics. Of course this idea is so simple, that there is a real good chance others have thought of the same thing.

Regardless, through fantasy free thinking, it is natural to find issues with the basic assumptions on which a theory is based. For example, Keynesian economists imagine a certain entity into existence which simply does not exist. This is the concept of a straw man. His entire general theory depends upon the presence of a completely imaginary creature. There is no point in learning the complexities of Keynesian economics if the most critical assumption it is based on cannot be found anywhere in nature.

I am suggesting that what Einstein and others have been observing is not actually time. Time is independent of the speed of light and objects moving around the universe. Really smart people have trouble noticing simple things.

Here is my argument:

For the sake of the explanation – let’s assume that it is possible on various planets around the universe to communicate instantaneously.

There is a human on Earth, a being on Neptune and a 3rd creature in a different galaxy. Each being has a bell. They all agree to ring their bells simultaneously and do so. Based on earth time alone our guys’ bell will be rung now (1:00 pm for example). The being on Neptune will ring his bell at now plus 223 light minutes according to earth time. The creature in another galaxy will be ringing his bell at now plus his distance in light years, Earth time also. Regardless, all of the bells ring simultaneously. Allowing for small margins of error, all of the bells will have been rung at the same time. Next , the beings agree to ring their bells in sequence rather than simultaneously. Earth will ring first. Neptune will ring second. The being in another galaxy will ring third. There will be a short pause between rings. It will be ding ding ding. The pause between the dings is what time is. Physicists are measuring objects, waves and such moving around the universe. Time is independent of all of that. The Earth bell rings. The being on Neptune taps a foot a few times before ringing his bell. After the Neptune bell rings, the distant galaxy creature taps his foot before ringing his bell. There is time between each ring. This is time passing and it has nothing to do with the speed of light. The Earth guy will have one measurement of how much time passes. The other two ringers will decide how much time passed by using their unique time systems. There is no known method of measuring the time that I just explained. Physicists are studying the dynamics of waves, objects and anything moving with respect to one another. These efforts are to be applauded but they are studying something other than time.

Why Some are Rich and Others Poor

Why Some are Rich and Others Poor PDF Version

Fairness is not a natural part of our universe. Our species is born with a sense of fairness between ourselves and others, mostly on an individual basis. In society overall, self interest is our only significant incentive. The rich know how to succeed financially. The poor lack that skill.

Those of us who think in the light of reality know these things automatically. This amounts to possessing an advantage – The Fantasy Free Advantage. What is true is true…. whether we like it or not. Society as a whole fantasizes to avoid reality because in its raw form it is so daunting. Laws of dominance and subservience govern our world, Fantasy is a more pleasant notion and it replaces the gravity of our entire existence.

Notice that Jesus never tried to challenge the overall scheme of things in the world at that time. Instead, while being charitable to the poor, he never suggested a means of eliminating poverty. Sometimes what is not written in the bible is as important as what is clearly stated.

Accept reality as nature presents itself , and peace magically follows as disappointment wanes. Even if we can’t eliminate poverty, we have peace. Peace is worth a lot.


Over Specialization in Medicine

I always start by identifying a root cause. That way, I never get lost in complexities.

The issues we face today began a few centuries following the middle ages. It was discovered that societies flourish better when people pursue their own interests and make decisions independently. This was the advent of free markets and democracy. Having lived as slaves for eons, mankind is still programmed to seek the optimum situation possible while in bondage.

Over-specialization has occurred in medicine because people trust authority and opt for group decisions implemented by those they deem to be naturally smarter and who look after them. Anytime free markets and democracy are diminished, society moves into retrograde. That is our situation in medicine today.

 This mentality provides fertile ground for corruption to enter the picture. Over-specialization medicine is highly profitable for the healthcare industry. Laws have been passed to make it the only option.

Anytime free markets and democracy are diminished, society moves into retrograde. That is our situation in medicine today.

The Game of Dominance and Subservience

Would it not be nice to have a board game called Dominance and Subservience? Perhaps if enough people played the game, it would come to light that life exists in a system of dominance and subservience.

It is the job of each species to dominate and make use of as many other species as possible. Dominate all of the other species and have them serve mankind. They don’t all get a bad deal. Dogs volunteer to be dominated and get a decent deal in return. Dogs end up trading freedom for comfort and are content when able to do so.

Human being are the dominant species living in the world today. Humans not only dominate all other worldly species, they also dominate and make servants of each other. Dominance and subservience are such an important part of life, the process is sometimes hard to notice. Subservience is almost always voluntary as with dogs.

Early in life, humans gain some knowledge of what they are capable of and who and how many people they can influence. Decisions are made to serve in exchange for comfort, mostly when individuals have concluded in their own minds that it is in their best option for survival. None of this is spoken.

Some are more successful at the game of Dominance and Subservience than others.  What becomes of the most successful players of the game? These folks become presidents, congressmen and CEOs of huge corporations. The very most successful are private citizens who control enough wealth to dictate policy to government. World leaders are among the very best at dominance and subservience. Power and money are the rewards.

Where is the game of dominance and subservience played? It is played everywhere but the greatest contests go on in and around government. Democracy turns out to be a predator’s playground. Government’s primary activity turns out to be that of those with enough power getting what they want through government and having others pay for it.

Ordinary citizens fall in the trap of believing elected officials are motivated by ideology and are trying to improve the country. Governments have never operated that way.


Tower Of Babel Moment

Tower Of Babel Moment PDF Version

Here is an excellent example showing how
easy it is to forecast the future accurately
by finding ancient writings which describes
situations parallel to what we experience in
modern times.
(Bold letters are my comments.)
The Tower of Babel
11 Now the whole world had one language and a
common speech. 2 As people moved eastward,[a] they found a plain in Shinar[b] and settled there.

In today’s world our elite or self appointed Masters of the universe are not trying to reach the heavens. They are making spaceships which carry them to the heavens. Are they trying to make a name for themselves? You bet. As did the Tower of Babel people. they try more and more self aggrandizing projects.

3 They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar.

4 Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered them over of an face of the whole earth.”

5 But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building.
Here reality imposes itself on the ancient elite.

What they are trying to do at this point is not possible given the laws of nature. In those times the lord represents the laws of nature.

6 The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”

What occurs following the collapse of the tower is chaos in the world and collapse of society’s structure and all of its institution.

8 So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city.

9 That is why it was called Babel[c]—because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth
Attempt to a take over the world have been ongoing for eons. Up until currently these attempts have been with military. The elite in our modern world actually have taken over the world but their weapon has been financial engineering and political power.

Taking over the world and maintaining power are two different things. I have stated many times that if a situation parallel to any biblical story is a model of natural law, the outcome will be the same as the one in the story.

I have complete confidence that given today’s situation, our political system along with the economy are going to collapse. So, who doesn’t believe this works? Most everyone to start. Keep watching and you will see that. I have made a forecast based on my interpretation of natura lawl. Keep watching and take not of the outcome. Unfortunately prior to destroying itself, evil does multitudes of damage to the unaware masses.


Brian Thompson United HealthCare Murder

Brian Thompson United HealthCare Murder PDF Version

Using the Fantasy Free Advantage, light of reality, the Brian Thompson murder has every appearance of a mob hit.  As far back as 2016, I started writing articles to the effect that organized crime runs the healthcare industry.

Organized Crime Runs Healthcare

It takes society a long time to figure these things out. After such , an awakening no longer matters. Mob involvement in the JFK assignation has only recently become  common knowledge.

Naturally, a mob hit was my first suspicion.

The mob murders for many different reasons. United HealthCare…. along with Thompson, must answer questions in a serious investigation. Probably, there was concern that he might say the wrong thing. This could also be a message to other high – ranking members of the healthcare elite , to stay the course and not blow their beets in even the slightest way.

The gunman escaped. Where is he? Why hasn’t he been found?  If he stays missing, that will be a dead giveaway that it was a mob murder. If he dies before or after being found, that is also an important indication. Does the die the Bob Thompson murder story die in the media? That is a standard with these kinds of events.

I doubt that the syndicate in charge had any idea that the U.S. public would respond the way they have. Possibly, in terms of their interests, the murder may turn out to be a huge mistake on their part.

Patriotism Completely Explained

Patriotism Completely Explained  PDF Version

Here is the first definition of patriotism that turns up on a DuckDuckGo search. With this definition in mind, countless U.S. citizens plus even more from other lands, enemies and foes have died in wars,….had bombs dropped on them…. and many are buried in graveyards where only patriots are allowed to be buried. Internments in a special graveyard is a patriot’s reward. Being honored as a veteran is another reward. Proclaiming oneself as Patriot Joe or Patriot Bill gains the eyes and ears of other citizens and exalts the professed patriot in the eyes of others.

1. Love of and devotion to one’s country.
2. Love of country; devotion to the welfare of one’s country; the virtues and actions of a patriot; the passion which inspires one to serve one’s country.
3. Love of country; devotion to the welfare of one’s compatriots; the virtues and actions of a patriot; the passion which inspires one to serve one’s country.The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
I am telling you , from my vantage point within the light of reality , that patriotism is an emotion and has nothing to do with intellect. Not true? Count the dead from all wars on all sides. Count only the dead from the country where you live. Then add up the number of “patriots” whose deaths actually benefited the societies they live in.

Patriotism is an emotion that gets activated in the citizens of a country. Once the patriotism emotion is in place, soldiers are more than willing to die. Reasons don’t have to be legitimate, Emotions spur action independently of right or wrong. Those who can successfully manipulate the patriotism emotion in the hearts of their brethren, make fortunes by doing so.

Citizens and patriots go off to die on behalf of higher – level citizens who use them to accomplish their goals independently of the safety, protection or interest of the country. History shows that every war which has ever been fought has been optional. This includes WWII, although the participation of the average citizen was not optional. While the war could have been prevented, average people were put into a position of either fighting or dying.

With respect to WWII, had the U.S. not engaged in the evils of imperialism, there would have been no base in Hawaii for the Japanese to attack. There would have been no Bataan Death March because there would have been no troops in the Philippines to begin with. If the U.S. would not have cut off Japan’s oil supply, they would have never attacked us. Evidence has emerged that the war mongering faction in the United States that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was anticipated and allowed to take place, just to activate the patriotism emotion in the U.S. so that we would enter the war and have plenty of patriotism generated volunteers.

Yes, WW2 was preventable. Certainly, the next war for profit is also.

I say no thanks to patriotism and a resounding yes to intellectually acquired reasons for being loyal to one’s count. Doing it this way, we are more prone to being on the righteous side of history, righteousness, meaning right ways.

History’s Greatest Evolution

History’s Greatest Evolution  PDF Version

Of all that has taken place in mankind’s history, which of those things have had the greatest positive influence over the quality of human life?

It is my observation that this phenomenon occurred between  the end of the dark ages and the early part of Britain’s industrial revolution. Two developments occurred almost simultaneously.

First it was discovered that more could be accomplished  by people in groups when each one pursued his own goals independently as opposed to working under a leader in pursuing a common goal.

Second is the concept of freedom of the common man. I listed this one second  because freedom wouldn’t have been granted to the masses, unless it was more profitable to hire free people instead of owning them. These two developments are what created free markets.

In modern times, it has become fashionable for economists to believe that simple little items like this don’t matter. What does matter is the act of ignoring them. Every attempt to stimulate an economy or assure future growth, etc. ….requires reversing the logic of the two greatest developments in mankind’s history, We live within the realm of a managed economy. This reduces the freedom of each individual and reduces their utility to society as a whole.

Any government intervention into an economy creates a negative outcome in terms of potential. It renders its citizens less than what they would be, if they made their own decisions.

Some things are too simple to put in an economics textbook. Natural law as a whole is simple. That’s why it is assumed to be useless.

Those Who Know Not What They Do

Those Who Know Not What They Do. PDF Version

When wisdom has been around for several thousand years or so, it is taken to be a platitude. Both the Old and New Testaments have an undeserved bad reputation among smart people. Smart people have a fear of reading scriptures. They are afraid of getting religious cooties. Religious people skip over all of the natural law and common sense principles contained in The Bible out of fear of interfering with their narrow interpretation of the writings.
In the New Testament when Jesus is about to be put to death on the cross, he asked God to forgive his executors saying “They know not what they do.”
Things that are said in The Bible have applications beyond being part of the story being told. The Roman soldiers who put Jesus to death were working as agents of the authority they worked under. All over the globe in countless capacities, people have surrendered their own identities and accept any instructions they get from authorities as the right thing to do. Harming others on behalf of an authority is a common occurrence. Such agents of authority, in truth, know not what they do. The Roman soldiers killed Jesus, but they would have killed anyone they were directed to kill.

Agents of authority reason today, just as they did when the Roman soldiers killed Jesus. What we have time and time again in the scriptures are examples of recurrent behaviors and circumstances. What is right in a person’s mind, is often based on nothing more than orders from an authority figure.

An Early Goodbye

An Early Goodbye. PDF Version

Who knows what the future holds? It is no secret that I have been extremely sick for at least 6 years. I am at the point where mortality is seriously knocking at my door. Back in 2022, after my original site was purposefully destroyed, I restarted it under the URL and began a second one At that point, I promised a loyal reader, that I would continue posting, even if only he, and my family ever read it. Today, neither blog has achieved the level of vibrancy it had prior to being purposefully destroyed, However, my comeback has been substantial, so i am happy I have followed the path I have.

This is not a goodbye immediately. I .do feel the need to provide an explanation, should I suddenly be called home,

To all who are interested, I honestly have broken the code. My technique is so simple, folks have trouble taking it seriously. If I get more time, I intend on teaching moreof my techniques. Basically, I teach others to think in the light of reality.

The issue that makes it difficult is that reality itself, is not a normal human human condition. It starts by recognizing that we are all born into an ongoing power struggle. History shows that this is true. Because of the harshness of reality, the mind replaces it with fantasy, Fantasy then replaces our natural inborn sensibilities.

With my passing, my sons plan on keeping the site up indefinably. When my time comes, one son will make a post explaining my demise and explain plans for the future of the sites.

Over the years, my role has morphed into one of teaching. It is mostly, all that matters to me these days. I hope others will give my sons the encouragement they will need and appreciate.

Reality is the path to genuine peace even though, at first it seems to be just the opposite,

God bless each of you. The coming days will be difficult for all. Those of us who will be here, not in the sunshine, but the shadows will be sparred any ensuing hardships.


Fantasy Free Explanation of God

A Fantasy Free Explanation of God  PDF Version

As you may know, I don’t consider The Bible as anything other than mankind’s attempts to explain to himself and the origin of his existence…. as well as his relationship with his creator. The Bible assumes that God created the universe and everything in it.
Recently, I have figured out what the deal really is.
There are three different entities. God is the power in all that is spiritual or spiritual influence in terms of what is good. The will of God is that mankind be righteous or practice right ways.
The Devil is the force behind the spiritual also, but is evil. All of God is good. All of The Devil is evil. I am thinking the spiritual world is a combination of good and evil as well. Good and evil interact in the spiritual world.. People, as they live…. are a combination of both in the spiritual realm, just as they are when living in the physical world.

There has to be a third entity which is independent and created the physical world which is neutral.. A man can be good or evil but a rock is neither. How is that for a trinity: good, evil and neutral – albeit independent to what is considered to be The Holy Trinity?

We have neither. Life is a bridge between the spiritual and physical realms. (not my conclusion – but a concept I have adopted as true.)

As I explain in the Fantasy Free Advantage, the way to come to a conclusion is to just ask what assumptions are being made as to what the inputs are. Then ask, “Would the inputs being assumed generate the outcome we are witnessing?” If the answer is no, then ask what inputs would generate the outcome we are explaining. There is a high probability of being right that way. Doing it the standard way guarantees a wrong answer. At least doing it the fantasy free way always generates an answer that is closer to being correct.

In politics, it is assumed that we have a freedom – loving population and genuine representation in  government. Outcomes throughout history don’t support that idea. So, I replace what is merely assumed to be true, with assumptions that would cause the outcomes we witness in the political world.  The same technique works in any area of thought, not just in economics and politics.

In The Bible, God commands actors like Jesus and Moses to make changes in the physical realm. That makes no sense – if God can  control the physical world.

In discussing God, the greatest wisdom I have is in knowing that there are no experts on God – or there not being a God. This includes the writers of ancient scriptures. What is belief, other than discovering what appears self evident? For me to base my beliefs on the words of another, like biblical authors, then it is not a belief at all, but just agreeing that what another has written is true. There is a difference.

Hard Times Coming


Uncertainty Intolerance

Uncertainty Intolerance  PDF Version

The first step in learning to think in the light of reality is to accept and internalize the fact that in our home in the universe as we quest to survive and flourish – uncertainty is omnipresent, natural…. and will never disappear as we move along living our lives. It is human nature to minimize uncertainty in our lives, just as it is to minimize the problem of scarcity. No matter what, neither problem will ever be solved. The result is an uncontrollable propensity to try and make certain the uncertain. disappears.

It is this tendency that causes mankind to look to government….billionaires…. specialists…. deemed experts and what have you, to make uncertainty disappear from everyone’s lives. This is not possible. It is possible to live comfortably in the world the way it is. The light of reality – or fantasy free advantage, provides the necessary technique. Because of the fear of the unknown, folks assign unreasonable tasks to government, authorities and role models.

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What to Expect in an Economic and Political Crisis

What to Expect in an Economic and Political Crisis PDF Version

Evil does not recognize itself because, to it, lies are the truth.
We have to remember that ,what is evil, is becoming exposed, each and every day..
People can either believe the lie or be fooled into complacency. .

By election day, fewer will believe the lie, and as hardships accumulate, complacency will wane. Unpleasant things will happen but they won’t be in line with popular  predictions. The fact is that we don’t know what those unpleasant things will be, but, chaos and confusion for sure.

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Finding The Reality Nature Provides

Finding The Reality Nature Provides PDF Version


The race to escape reality begins at birth. Every child is born into an eternal power struggle. Reality is replaced with fantasy because it is too harsh to cope with. Our world is governed by laws of dominance and subservience. Most people live in an oasis of peace separated from all of the belligerence and brutality …. that is actually an ongoing process. Continue reading

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