Natural Law New Testament Hard Sayings

Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. John 25:25

This is one quote by Jesus which is deemed to be a hard saying. Who has ever heard it alluded to in a sermon at a Christian church?

In my fantasy free approach to understanding scriptures, I explain it as perhaps the most profound and meaningful verse in the New Testament. There is no controversy in it at all. The fact is, that it is so meaningful that folks can’t accept the meaning and explain it away in some other convenient manner.

First understand that the secular world is the animal kingdom. To survive, we must all deal with it being this way in order to survive. We must kill in order to survive. To survive, we must at time live our lives in ways that put others at a disadvantage. Authority is brutal and enslaves us all at every opportunity. Is this a good deal? Which is better at death, annihilation or returning for second round of stress and hardship. What is the alternative?

The alternative is to be reborn in a spiritual way which is independent of physical life. In order for this to happen, the folly of thy physical life must be seen and acknowledged. Once that realization occurs, an incubation environment for man’s true identity emerges.

Failure to come to this harsh realization, serves to block our spiritual awakening.

The essence of Christianity, is that of providing a path towards eternal life. The popular idea is that there was no salvation until Christ died o” the cross. .Yet, Jesus promised eternal life to many prior to his dying on the cross. The Beatitudes, Matthew 5, suggests salvation, especially number one, “Blessed are the poor in spirit,
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven”, The implication here, is that salvation is rooted in the mindset of a person. Not all agree upon what constitutes being poor in spirit. In my interpretation, it means a feeling of lacking in spiritual qualities, and who is seeking more, so as to be  closer to his creator. 

The hard sayings when interpreted in the light lead us in interesting directions





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