Forward to the Fantasy Free Advantage

The Fantasy Free Advantage is not for sale. It is available and can be downloaded. That is because the truth has no market value to speak of.

How To Use This Book

Anyone who can read can and will benefit from reading The Fantasy – Free Advantage. There is no math or statistics. There are a few charts – all of which are easy to understand. There are no complex  economic principles. There is no political ideology.

The principles involved with fantasy – free thinking can be used in personal life. They can also provide Theenormous insight to any and all who study any of the soft sciences.

The Fantasy – Free Advantage is not devoted to finding any ultimate reality like existence or beginning

of the universe. Folks such as astrophysicists perform that role. I would not be of any help to them. I will explain the reality of life as it is lived by humans who possess the will to live and optimize the outcomes of their lives.

My suggestion – if you are not already seeking answers to important issues in life, is to read at least the first short chapter – as a means of knowing what the book is about. Just knowing what reality is…. is not enough to change your life or anyone else’s.

If you find the subject matter interesting, begin reading for deeper understanding. Facing reality is not that easy of a task. Through understanding, the principles will become internalized and useful.

You will learn things like all world leaders – including presidents…. are corrupt.

You will learn that laws which are passed are truly not for the benefit of the public – but for profit. The truth is not used in politics where persuasion is the goal.

You will understand the truth about why cover-ups are initiated…. and the truth about confounding

happenings in the national and international scene.

Reality is not for everyone. Ordinary happiness can be and is maintained by avoiding reality. I am not

critical of that approach at all. Go along to get along gets very little respect but is the most sure and safest way to negotiate through life. It is the path most often chosen.

That being said, there is nothing in this book a person can claim to be false without contradicting themselves. Plain and simple…. natural law is never wrong

You will find that from time to time, Bible scriptures are alluded to. This is because stories in the Old and New Testaments, in addition to having spiritual interpretations, are models of natural law. The Fantasy – Free Advantage is a study of the secular world. That is the world we live in…. and that is what is explained.

Views: 330

Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

So far, I haven’t heard any warnings with respect to conspiracy theorists making hay out of the Trump assassination attempts. That warning is the first indication that a coverup is in operation. Its absence does not mean there is no coverup going on. Realistically, the conspiracy theory warning has been overused. It makes sense that it would be avoided in this case.

I have heard Matthew Crooks described as a lone wolf already. I saw an image of the dead Crooks after he had been shot. It looked to me as if he was wearing a rented lone wolf costume, like from a costume shop.

When an assassination or the attempt has occurred there are important questions that need to be asked.

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Views: 97

Truth About Hate an Resentment

Truth About Hate and Resentment PDF Version

Hate and resentment are like many words are used to describe countless unpleasant mental states, but not necessarily the ones intended.  In any case, we are dealing with negative emotions. What I am writing here applies to all of them. So, for this we don’t need any precise definition. In any case, both hate and resentment work against the party experiencing them.

Emotions are discussed as if their presence is an indication that a person is good and sensitive just as should be. The truth is that our emotions better serve others more than they serve us. Who benefits from hate and resentment? Certainly, it is not the one experiencing those emotions. The person being hated or resented may be off enjoying a fishing trip. He may be at home smoking a cigar relishing in his mind, the fact that you have been put in your proper place. Hate and resentment, when imposed, are a cruel person’s candy. Continue reading

Views: 81

Living in the Presence of Evil

Living With Artificial Intelligence PDF Version

Before reading, it might be good to examine the definition of evil – as the word is used in common language , as well as some more sophisticated thoughts on the subject by Scott Beck who is the well – known author of “The Road Less Traveled.”

Merriam Webster- Definition of Evil.

Dr. Scott Peck, Psychiatrist On Causes of Evil

Mostly in this blog, I discuss economics, politics and natural law – in terms of how it applies to these subject areas. I am not a prophet or an avatar. However, I am a mystic. Continue reading

Views: 720

How to Succeed in Life

How to Succeed in Life.PDF Version

Years back, I spent a number of years
teaching high school math and economics. My technique is to break any problem down to its most basic elements and identify a root cause. High school students all face some very basic obstacles that one way or another, they will all have to overcome. I came up with three things any human can do. Doing these three things optimizes any person’s chance of succeeding at whatever path they choose to follow. On the first day of class, I would give them each a card with the following message printed on it.

Mr. Q’s Motto.
Have Dignity  
Make Good Trades
Own Your Own Tools Continue reading

Views: 274

Future Of The Dark Web

How are folks’ experiences on the internet going these days? How is the censorship going for you? Do you like having all your news filtered … purposefully manicured , and groomed – so that you buy into all that is intended to shape your opinions? How do you like having your First Amendment rights trashed and stepped on? Are you good with  the symbiotic relation between big tech, government and defense agencies?

Americans as a whole seem to love it that way. After all , their congressmen and president serve as their guardians…. keeping them safe. Do Americans want to have guardians or representatives? Continue reading

Views: 141

Pay to Play Social Media

Pay to Play Social Media PDF Version

X or Twitter if you prefer, is treated as if it is a bastion of free speech. Believe it if you wish. Pay to play social media is a variety of censorship itself. It is just stealth in nature. Social media wants users who can be used as resources. That is not all that social media wants. Few have not observed that there is an organized effort going on to make resources out of all of humanity. The presence of social media in this effort is critical.

It is not that no one takes censorship seriously. Plenty do but all of the censorship they know about is the squelching of well known icons of wisdom.

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Views: 99

Coming Headwinds of the United States and Citizens

Coming Headwinds of the United States and Citizens PDF Version

Fantasy Free thinking requires thinking in the light of reality. That is what the Fantasy Free Advantage is. Gain the fantasy free advantage. See the world the way it is. You will be early. You will be right.

The United States has dismantled its free market system and replaced it with a manipulated and managed debt – based economy. Create debt and GDP increases. Stop and the economy tanks. We are at the point where debt cannot be increased any longer..

It takes free market forces to generate a recovery. There will be no recovery. The essential  ingredient of free market forces is missing.

Earnings in all income classes are going to decline, especially for professionals. For example, doctors overseas make a fraction of what they earn in the U.S. Not to pick on doctors, this is true of all professions. Poor schools and declining education levels leave American citizens from being ignorant to highly under – educated.

Social media is losing influence. That will continue.  People are no longer fascinated.with it. The providers know this, even while pretending otherwise. Social media losing its influence strikes a huge blow to the consortium trying to take over the world and make resources out of inhabitants. The consortium has always counted on social media to homogenize the population and manage their thoughts and opinions. Social Media is becoming impotent. More on social media – Big Changes Coming Social Media. The decline in influence of social media presents a serious obstacle to the parties aspiring to control the world and make resources out of its citizens. The internet is increasingly being regarded as if it was a phone book, nothing but ads and no meaningful information.

The social media companies had great aspirations based on homogenizing  their users in order to make them advertisement friendly and easy to market to. They lacked the awareness to grasp that this would change their users behaviors. They also failed to fathom it would make online experiences dull and uninteresting. What they expected to have is a perfect population, that they could use in whatever capacity their minds could come up with. Instead. they created a diminishing mob of docile, compliant , mind – numbed hominids that don’t respond or get excited about anything. Social media will suffer immensely.

YouTube has been going spastic trying to show ads. They try one technique after another trying to display ads in ways where they don’t get automatically clicked off after 5 seconds. Google has started not responding when a search term is one they don’t like. Time is running out for them. They are running off users and burning advertisers. This is fine for maintaining stock prices but it will kill them eventually. Big tech is cooked, though that is not yet acknowledged or snapped to.

The Deep State cannot persevere unless they can manage the thoughts and opinions of the population.

Distrust of the healthcare industry and all who prosper from it is only in the beginning stages. The death rate in the United States is rising rapidly in the aftermath of the adoption of the Affordable Care Act. Once a bill has been passed, repealing it is a near impossibility. Organized crime owns the healthcare industry. There is no other explanation that explains a law that provides corporate skimming operations, spreads resources out as thin as possible, homogenizes physicians, spreads out resources as thin as possible and funnels obscene profits to those who lobbied to get the bill Passed.

The United States has a debt – driven corrupt service – based economy where prosperity has been created by producing asset bubbles. No bubbles –  no prosperity. There is nothing wrong with having a debt – based economy. That being the case, there must be a demand  for the services offered. What happens when our information and technology sector starts operating in retrograde while competition is growing overseas? What happens when our financial sector faces a lengthy depression? It was all built by creating bubbles. Now the bubbles are bursting. What happens to our defense industry…. independent of manufacturing, if the population adopts an anti – war , anti – imperialist posture?

Our free market system has been dismantled, so there is no way for an economic recovery to occur. Central planning cannot reboot a suffering economy. Permanent Depression.

There is nothing complicated in identifying headwinds like the ones described. No experts are needed. All it takes is an honest look at the situation in the light of reality.

There is nothing complicated in identifying headwinds like the ones described. No experts are needed. All it takes is an honest look at the situation in the light of reality.

Views: 94

Living With Artificial Intelligence

Living With Artificial Intelligence.PDF Version

You can live with artificial intelligence. That is because you are alive. It is touted as the wave of the future.  It may very well be. Most new advancements initially get dismissed by many and put in the “will never catch on” category. Yes, being alive, you may prefer to live without it.  However, you may not be able to avoid living with it.

Certainly, Artificial Intelligence will be used to accomplish many wonderful things. Lives may be improved and enhanced.  Fortunes will be made. It also provides ways to manage larger populations more efficiently with less effort. That is great for folks who appreciate being managed. It can make decisions for you. Is that good? It is great for multitudes who prefer others to make decisions for them. Thinking is work. Work is routinely avoided.  Few people can concentrate intensely for perhaps an hour without getting fatigued. Limiting thinking is avoiding fatigue.

So far, I have only been involved with two aspects of Artificial Intelligence. That is with respect to voice cloning and customer service experiences. With voice cloning it works great.

With respect to customer service operations, it obviously cuts costs for companies. For this reason, they have all convinced themselves that it is good for customers as well. Let’s look at that in the light of reality.

So far, on balance, it is to the detriment of customers. Artificial intelligence is a virtual entity. Customers are living beings, only treated as if they are virtual in nature. Attempts to sound friendly and insightful are simply irritating. While expenses are reduced considerably on the parts of companies, customers are assumed to have all the time in the world, regardless of what each may earn on an hourly basis. How impressed will a guy making $100 per hour be with spending an hour dorking around with a machine for an hour trying to explain what his question is. This is a big disconnect which will eventually be to the detriment of companies providing the customer service.

It is important to understand the limitations of technology. Machines can only use math. Math has a basic downside in that all it can produce is a number. Numbers become accepted as reality. In the right circumstances a number is perfect. When math is used to describe human behavior or create it, math is completely flawed. That is why with economics – I examine the forces in nature which make the numbers what they are. I let the other guys, who are many, deal with models and statistics. I am always ahead of the numbers. I appreciate their work. It is there to be used as a resource for me to use when I need it.

The firms who adopt Artificial Intelligence for customer service operations see only their new cost savings. The number attached to that looks good. No focus on how it affects business overall, no worries as to how many customers it eventually runs off.

Customer service has been technology based for a long time. For myself, if I end up going to customer service, it is only because of something so bizarre that it requires an actual sentient being to figure it out. It. With Artificial Intelligence customer service, my goal turns out to be finding a way to get past it and talk to a real person.



Views: 49

The Dangerous Three Percent

The Dangerous Three Percent PDF Version
Perhaps three percent of the population is born genetically different than the rest of us. In almost every capacity they look and act like the rest of us. But, they are born with an elevated thirst for power and an insatiable need to control others. They are highly intelligent. They also possess most and frequently all of the characteristics of psychopaths.

The psychopathic behaviors most common to career politicians are. 1.) lack of remorse, shame, or guilt 2.) glibness and superficial charm 3.) manipulative and conning Continue reading

Views: 93

Happiness Power Fantasies and Euphemisms

Happiness is not possible if the universe is taken at face value. The struggle to survive is brutal. Fantasies create happiness and fantasies keep people happy. Euphemisms are substitutes for truths because truths can be harsh. Fantasies come and go but in time certain fantasies become symbiotic.

Once a symbiotic relationship takes root between two or more fantasies more fantasies are added to the relationship over time.  Belief systems of large aggregations of people arise out of the symbiotic relationships between the various fantasies that are prevalent in the group. The more fantasies on which life is based the happier are the members of the group. Since fantasies are not based on anything real, truth can completely disappear. An entire country can become so filled with happiness created by fantasies that the society in question falls apart.

Power is a stand alone incentive. Power is always sought more by some but some by everyone.  The one thing power and fantasies have in common is that neither is ever relinquished. Both must be taken by force.

Fantasies can be harmless and in small quantities, perhaps beneficial. When whole countries become stable and prosperity increases more and more, fantasies are added to the national mindset. When fantasies become too unrealistic the country collapses.

Prior to and during WWII, the German people had a fantasy that Aryans were superior to all other human beings. That idea made a lot of Germans happy and fueled all kinds of activities and efforts for a number of years. That fantasy was removed by force by the other countries in the world.

Power is grabbed easily when a leader can create a popular fantasy, then validate that one as well as other already present. Both the fantasies and power had to be removed by completely destroying destroying Germany.

When citizens vote they give all kinds of reasons why they vote one way or another. People claim to vote their pocket book, the constitution, their conscience. None of that is true. People vote their fantasies.

Curbside Jimmy’s Prophetic Song

Views: 63

Flaws in Human Nature

I have to confess. I was born without the capacity to indulge in euphemisms. From birth, I have never been able to take comfort in something that is untrue and certainly could not believe something was true when it wasn’t. As a small child there was not even one second when I believed in Santa Clause. In elementary school, I remember having an epiphany that teachers were as likely to lie as were the children. Continue reading

Views: 63

The Future of Gregg Abbott

Prior to his new prowess as a border crisis hero, Abbott had earned a reputation as an admirer of the WEF and other collectivest  initiatives. Does one case of being a states rights hero change his stripes? Previously, I posted an article explaining the impossibility of a politician being elected to a high office without being a psychopath. As hard as this is to swallow, take the time to read the article (link below). Make a counter argument to each point made and explain to me how else it can be that way. Continue reading

Views: 248