The Big Ten Fallacies

The Big Ten Fallacies  PDF Version

What I describe as fantasies are actually fallacies. Fantasies, as I use the word, evolve as we human beings evade reality. Reality is too daunting to accept at face value. This being the case, we end up with a countless nu

pecially true of government economists like those on the Federal Reserve. Anyone ever noticed an accurate Federal Reserve forecast?

Here are the ten biggest fallacies Americans can have – relative to trying times. They are always important – just more meaningful in trying times.

Not being aware that uncertainty is a given in all but a few circumstances.

Denial of the fact that all life is subject to the laws of dominance and subservience

Seeing oneself as special

Seeing one’s government and other of life’s groups as being special

Adopting arbitrary loyalties (like schools, hometown, city, country etc.)

People think independently of one another.

Government is benevolent.

Patriotism is good

A public servant sets aside self – interest

Credentials imply competence


Think in the light of reality and you will know what is coming before you see it on the news..

Think in the light of reality and you will know what is coming before you see it on the news.




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