Donald Trump Assassination Attempt
So far, I haven’t heard any warnings with respect to conspiracy theorists making hay out of the Trump assassination attempts. That warning is the first indication that a coverup is in operation. Its absence does not mean there is no coverup going on. Realistically, the conspiracy theory warning has been overused. It makes sense that it would be avoided in this case.
I have heard Matthew Crooks described as a lone wolf already. I saw an image of the dead Crooks after he had been shot. It looked to me as if he was wearing a rented lone wolf costume, like from a costume shop.
When an assassination or the attempt has occurred there are important questions that need to be asked.
Are any political motivations present? In this case, there are multitudes of political motivations.
Would there be any reason to describe an assassin as a crazy lone wolf when in fact he was a participant in an organized plan? Of course there would be. Do that and the investigation is over. The truth won’t emerge for forty years.
Were there any odd malfunctions of people or devices that would have prevented the event had they been working as expected? Already, there is an interview with an ordinary guy who saw the shooter on the roof with a rifle. He advised law enforcement, and he was ignored, i.e. guards and cameras in the Epstein death.
Are there trite and superficial explanations used in order to complete a rapid conclusive investigation? For this, we will have to wait and see.
Is there any opposition to rapidly closing the case in congress? All on the same page is a warning sign. I teach that folks actually have no representation in congress. That doesn’t mean they don’t represent anyone. They just don’t represent those who elect them. With no incentive at all in play, lawmakers represent themselves alone. That is until a third party provides them with an incentive. When all of congress lines up on the same side, it is not hard to determine who they genuinely represent. Notice, that there were no calls from congress to do a thorough investigation of Epstein’s death.
How is mainstream media handling the story? If media and all of government are on the same page, it is a coverup. If the media buries the story after a few days, that is significant. If the newscasts are of the ho hum variety…. that counts also.
There is no way to decide that an assassination or an attempt at one is part to an organized plan. My purpose here is not to find evidence so as to indict anyone. Natural law is of little value in the legal system. Natural law can put one soul in a position of knowing. Natural law does put a person on the right side of arguments.
For myself, I haven’t completely answered these questions, so I don’t yet have a complete assessment as of now. Historical precedent along with the enormous efforts already made to take Donald Trump off the ticket provide plenty of reasons for suspecting that there is more involved than one demented youth doing something crazy. U.S. citizens are crazy if they don’t insist on an in-depth investigation from an independent source.
Why not depend upon an investigation by an existing government agency? Any government agency might be part of any coverup. There is more than enough evidence available to suspect any government agency would be complicit in carrying out a coverup.
On a final note – as soon as I heard about the event, I started making thoughtful posts and comments on X. I keep tabs on my blog hits throughout the day. Within minutes Fantasy Free Economics was visited by perhaps ten Google databanks. Hits like this don’t occur very often. As of this morning, I am locked out of X.
The last time Fantasy Free Economics got these kinds of hits occurred just following my posting of an article making the case that organized crime owns the healthcare industry. Shortly afterwards, my blog under ( was destroyed after being up for over eleven years. I had to republish the blog under its current URL.
To say the least, my own experiences have accentuated my awareness of the pervasiveness of censorship as it applies to ordinary people.