Truth About Hate an Resentment

Truth About Hate and Resentment PDF Version

Hate and resentment are like many words are used to describe countless unpleasant mental states, but not necessarily the ones intended.  In any case, we are dealing with negative emotions. What I am writing here applies to all of them. So, for this we don’t need any precise definition. In any case, both hate and resentment work against the party experiencing them.

Emotions are discussed as if their presence is an indication that a person is good and sensitive just as should be. The truth is that our emotions better serve others more than they serve us. Who benefits from hate and resentment? Certainly, it is not the one experiencing those emotions. The person being hated or resented may be off enjoying a fishing trip. He may be at home smoking a cigar relishing in his mind, the fact that you have been put in your proper place. Hate and resentment, when imposed, are a cruel person’s candy.

In the meantime the hate or resentment you feel is sapping your energy. This keeps you from using your time and energy productively. Get rid of hate and resentment and you are free from the bondage some outside influence has imposed on you.

To be free from negative emotions, they must be written off like monetary debts you no longer have a chance of collecting. This is what forgiveness accomplishes. Forgiveness is not for the benefit of perpetrators – although it is routinely assumed that this is the case. Possessing the Fantasy Free Advantage greatly facilitates a peaceful state of mind.

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