Natural Law And Issues of Life

Natural Law Issues Of Life Reality

Natural Law And Issues of Life

Fantasy Free Explanation of God

A Fantasy Free Explanation of God  PDF Version

As you may know, I don’t consider The Bible as anything other than mankind’s attempts to explain to himself and the origin of his existence…. as well as his relationship with his creator. The Bible assumes that God created the universe and everything in it.
Recently, I have figured out what the deal really is.
There are three different entities. God is the power in all that is spiritual or spiritual influence in terms of what is good. The will of God is that mankind be righteous or practice right ways.
The Devil is the force behind the spiritual also, but is evil. All of God is good. All of The Devil is evil. I am thinking the spiritual world is a combination of good and evil as well. Good and evil interact in the spiritual world.. People, as they live…. are a combination of both in the spiritual realm, just as they are when living in the physical world.

There has to be a third entity which is independent and created the physical world which is neutral.. A man can be good or evil but a rock is neither. How is that for a trinity: good, evil and neutral – albeit independent to what is considered to be The Holy Trinity?

We have neither. Life is a bridge between the spiritual and physical realms. (not my conclusion – but a concept I have adopted as true.)

As I explain in the Fantasy Free Advantage, the way to come to a conclusion is to just ask what assumptions are being made as to what the inputs are. Then ask, “Would the inputs being assumed generate the outcome we are witnessing?” If the answer is no, then ask what inputs would generate the outcome we are explaining. There is a high probability of being right that way. Doing it the standard way guarantees a wrong answer. At least doing it the fantasy free way always generates an answer that is closer to being correct.

In politics, it is assumed that we have a freedom – loving population and genuine representation in  government. Outcomes throughout history don’t support that idea. So, I replace what is merely assumed to be true, with assumptions that would cause the outcomes we witness in the political world.  The same technique works in any area of thought, not just in economics and politics.

In The Bible, God commands actors like Jesus and Moses to make changes in the physical realm. That makes no sense – if God can  control the physical world.

In discussing God, the greatest wisdom I have is in knowing that there are no experts on God – or there not being a God. This includes the writers of ancient scriptures. What is belief, other than discovering what appears self evident? For me to base my beliefs on the words of another, like biblical authors, then it is not a belief at all, but just agreeing that what another has written is true. There is a difference.

Hard Times Coming


What to Expect in an Economic and Political Crisis

What to Expect in an Economic and Political Crisis PDF Version

Evil does not recognize itself because, to it, lies are the truth.
We have to remember that ,what is evil, is becoming exposed, each and every day..
People can either believe the lie or be fooled into complacency. .

By election day, fewer will believe the lie, and as hardships accumulate, complacency will wane. Unpleasant things will happen but they won’t be in line with popular  predictions. The fact is that we don’t know what those unpleasant things will be, but, chaos and confusion for sure.

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The Hard Sell Putin and Carlson

The Hard Sell Putin and Carlson.PDF Version

The truth is a hard sell. It has no market value. There are no bells and whistles, drama and such. Most anything sounds more appealing than the truth.  It gets replaced by fantasy. Fantasy becomes one’s real world. Instinctive behaviors guide most of mankind’s behaviors. I am sorry it is that way. Perhaps Jesus felt sorry when he said, “you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” He never said the truth would make you so happy you would do back flips.  This is what Jesus also said. “Anyone who loves their life (fantasy life) will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world (fantasy life) will keep it for eternal life. (peace)” Substitute fantasy life for “life in this world” and peace for “eternal life” and this insight Jesus gave, applies to the secular world. Stop there if you wish. Those with spiritual  inclinations may understand that peace, not happiness is permanent and stays with a person after death. Whatever posture is assumed, the principle applies. Continue reading

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