Natural Law And Issues of Life

Natural Law Issues Of Life Reality

Natural Law And Issues of Life

Over Specialization in Medicine

I always start by identifying by identifying a root cause. That way, I never get lost in complexities.

The issues we face today, began a few centuries following the middle ages. it was discovered that societies flourish better when people pursue their own interests and make decisions independently. This was the advent of free markets and democracy. Having lived as slaves for eons, mankind is still programmed to seek the optimum situation possible while in bondage.

Over specialization has occurred in medicine because people trust authority and opt for group decisions implemented by those they deem to be naturally smarter and who look after them. Anytime, free markets and democracy are diminished, society moves into retrograde. That is our situation in medicine today.

 This mentality provides fertile ground for corruption to enter the picture. Over specialization medicine is highly profitable for the healthcare industry. Laws have been passed to make it the only option.

Anytime, free markets and democracy are diminished, society moves into retrograde. That is our situation in medicine today.

The Game of Dominance and Subservience

Would it not be nice to have a board game called Dominance and Subservience? Perhaps if enough people played the game, it would come to light that life exists in a system of dominance and subservience.

It is the job of each species to dominate and make use of as many other species as possible. Dominate all of the other species and have them serve mankind. They don’t all get a bad deal. Dogs volunteer to be dominated and get a decent deal in return. Dogs end up trading freedom for comfort and are content when able to do so.

Human being are the dominant species living in the world today. Humans not only dominate all other worldly species, they also dominate and make servants of each other. Dominance and subservience are such an important part of life, the process is sometimes hard to notice. Subservience is almost always voluntary as with dogs.

Early in life, humans gain some knowledge of what they are capable of and who and how many people they can influence. Decisions are made to serve in exchange for comfort, mostly when individuals have concluded in their own minds that it is in their best option for survival. None of this is spoken.

Some are more successful at the game of Dominance and Subservience than others.  What becomes of the most successful players of the game? These folks become presidents, congressmen and CEOs of huge corporations. The very most successful are private citizens who control enough wealth to dictate policy to government. World leaders are among the very best at dominance and subservience. Power and money are the rewards.

Where is the game of dominance and subservience played? It is played everywhere but the greatest contests go on in and around government. Democracy turns out to be a predator’s playground. Government’s primary activity turns out to be that of those with enough power getting what they want through government and having others pay for it.

Ordinary citizens fall in the trap of believing elected officials are motivated by ideology and are trying to improve the country. Governments have never operated that way.


Fantasy Free Explanation of God

A Fantasy Free Explanation of God  PDF Version

As you may know, I don’t consider The Bible as anything other than mankind’s attempts to explain to himself and the origin of his existence…. as well as his relationship with his creator. The Bible assumes that God created the universe and everything in it.
Recently, I have figured out what the deal really is.
There are three different entities. God is the power in all that is spiritual or spiritual influence in terms of what is good. The will of God is that mankind be righteous or practice right ways.
The Devil is the force behind the spiritual also, but is evil. All of God is good. All of The Devil is evil. I am thinking the spiritual world is a combination of good and evil as well. Good and evil interact in the spiritual world.. People, as they live…. are a combination of both in the spiritual realm, just as they are when living in the physical world.

There has to be a third entity which is independent and created the physical world which is neutral.. A man can be good or evil but a rock is neither. How is that for a trinity: good, evil and neutral – albeit independent to what is considered to be The Holy Trinity?

We have neither. Life is a bridge between the spiritual and physical realms. (not my conclusion – but a concept I have adopted as true.)

As I explain in the Fantasy Free Advantage, the way to come to a conclusion is to just ask what assumptions are being made as to what the inputs are. Then ask, “Would the inputs being assumed generate the outcome we are witnessing?” If the answer is no, then ask what inputs would generate the outcome we are explaining. There is a high probability of being right that way. Doing it the standard way guarantees a wrong answer. At least doing it the fantasy free way always generates an answer that is closer to being correct.

In politics, it is assumed that we have a freedom – loving population and genuine representation in  government. Outcomes throughout history don’t support that idea. So, I replace what is merely assumed to be true, with assumptions that would cause the outcomes we witness in the political world.  The same technique works in any area of thought, not just in economics and politics.

In The Bible, God commands actors like Jesus and Moses to make changes in the physical realm. That makes no sense – if God can  control the physical world.

In discussing God, the greatest wisdom I have is in knowing that there are no experts on God – or there not being a God. This includes the writers of ancient scriptures. What is belief, other than discovering what appears self evident? For me to base my beliefs on the words of another, like biblical authors, then it is not a belief at all, but just agreeing that what another has written is true. There is a difference.

Hard Times Coming


Illusive Peace in the World

Illusive Peace in the World  PDF Version

Any peace a person has is on the personal level. Peace in the world, according to historical evidence as well as in natural law, is not possible. I have explained that we are all born into an ongoing power struggle. The struggle is ongoing today, just as it always is. All of us who are part of the great unwashed are not involved to any extent. Closer to the top, the competition is vicious.

And ye shall hear of wars and rumors’ of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. [7] For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in diverse places. Matthew 24:6

This situation has not changed in over 2000 years. In modern times, our situation is quite different than it was back then. Power at the top is highly pronounced and concentrated. Consequences of wars are more devastating. Still, world peace is not simply illusive. It is impossible.

Getting in touch with reality is not just for entertainment. We are at the apex of the power struggle at this moment. Living in the light of reality gives you no protection from nuclear warheads. It does arm you in terms of knowing what to expect – so as to plan life accordingly. The value of attaining the light of reality is that peace does not disappear during trying times.

Give up on believing the lies of life and peace occurs automatically.

Recently, when answering a question in regards to my argument that the lie is a survival tool in the light of reality…. my answer was as follows.

Is there any such thing as a spiritual dimension? The biggest number do believe in there is, but pay the concept no mind. A small number recognize a spiritual world that is as important to our essence as what we experience physically. So, my observations will only be taken seriously by that small number.

Lies serve as a survival tool only in what the religions call the secular world. The secular world is synonymous with the animal kingdom, which is governed by the law of the jungle. Because of that, there are areas where the truth is not used at all. One of those is politics.

The only way to escape the world of lies is to become grounded in peace. Peace is acquired when one ceases to believe the lies of life. To live in peace is to think in the light of reality. Lies are diffused in a state of peace.

Living in the Presence of Evil

Living With Artificial Intelligence PDF Version

Before reading, it might be good to examine the definition of evil – as the word is used in common language , as well as some more sophisticated thoughts on the subject by Scott Beck who is the well – known author of “The Road Less Traveled.”

Merriam Webster- Definition of Evil.

Dr. Scott Peck, Psychiatrist On Causes of Evil

Mostly in this blog, I discuss economics, politics and natural law – in terms of how it applies to these subject areas. I am not a prophet or an avatar. However, I am a mystic. Continue reading

Smartening Up Chumps The Hazards

Smartening Up Chumps The Hazards.PDF Version

With natural law, we can get it right with hardly any facts, figures or information deemed necessary. All we need is to know how life works. We do that by discarding the lies of life. We just observe the situation through  the light of reality.

Look at the world through the lens of fantasy and all conclusions we witness are misdirected through the prism of fantasy. When comic, W. C. Fields coined the two quotes below, surely he was not aware of their significance to the situation in the world today.

“You can fool some of the people some of the time — and that’s enough to make a decent living.” W.C. Fields Continue reading

Getting Started

Getting Started.  PDF Version

The fantasy free advantage starts with the understanding that uncertainty is normal. Some uncertainty can be eliminated – but not much. Out of uncertainty, its close cousin insecurity is derived. Uncertainty and insecurity combine and fear is the result.  Fear is assuaged by adopting euphemisms and  indulging in fantasy. Cold reality is too overwhelming  so it becomes  replaced with fantasies.

No one knows what life is. No one knows what happens when we die. We are all conscious. No one knows what consciousness is. Is consciousness generated by life or is it independent of life?

Then , there is the will to live. The will to live is more confounding than life itself. Whatever is alive seeks to stay alive. Even a blade of grass with no brain has the will to live. Who knows the source of the will to live? Does life have a purpose? Any purpose is not apparent. All animals, including humans must consume animals and other living things in order to survive. Focusing on these attributes of existence is daunting. The mind doesn’t want to go there – so it doesn’t.

In the Old Testament, the author of the Book of Ecclesiastes focuses on these issues and draws no concrete conclusions. The meanings of a number of Old Testament books focus on how to live life in the face of life’s daunting unanswered questions and mysteries.

The race to escape reality begins at birth. Every child is unknowingly born into an eternal power struggle.  Reality is replaced with fantasy because it is too harsh to cope with.  Our world is governed by laws of dominance and subservience. Most people live in an oasis of peace separated from all of the belligerence and brutality …. that is actually an ongoing process. The attempted escape does begin at birth. This continues throughout life. Reality always wins in the end.

Basic Unanswered Questions

 During a lifetime, reality catches up with everyone a number of times. That does not mean a person becomes enlightened and discovers what reality is. Having to deal with reality is not the same as grasping and internalizing the concept. As soon as a crisis passes and usually while the crisis is ongoing, life becomes centered around new fantasies. Sometimes old fantasies are refurbished, adjusted, and re-applied to one’s life.

Regardless…. reality is what it is.  to all consumed in fantasy, their fantasies  are their reality. Attack these fantasies of life and their beholders defend them vehemently. The lies of life replace nature’s reality with fantasies. The truth is then seen as threatening. I guess that it is. The truth about reality is what it is – no matter what. In other words, the way things are is the way things are.

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