More Censorship Please

More Censorship Please.PDF Version

Americans seem to be good with censorship as it is. Here are some ideas for even more.

Countless ads are placed on social media as well as on cable and network TV. We need fact checkers to review the veracity of the content and claims made in their ads. If anything said or written in these ads is questionable, they must be taken down immediately reader. Continue reading

Smartening Up Chumps The Hazards

Smartening Up Chumps The Hazards.PDF Version

With natural law, we can get it right with hardly any facts, figures or information deemed necessary. All we need is to know how life works. We do that by discarding the lies of life. We just observe the situation through  the light of reality.

Look at the world through the lens of fantasy and all conclusions we witness are misdirected through the prism of fantasy. When comic, W. C. Fields coined the two quotes below, surely he was not aware of their significance to the situation in the world today.

“You can fool some of the people some of the time — and that’s enough to make a decent living.” W.C. Fields Continue reading