Over Specialization in Medicine

I always start by identifying a root cause. That way, I never get lost in complexities.

The issues we face today began a few centuries following the middle ages. It was discovered that societies flourish better when people pursue their own interests and make decisions independently. This was the advent of free markets and democracy. Having lived as slaves for eons, mankind is still programmed to seek the optimum situation possible while in bondage.

Over-specialization has occurred in medicine because people trust authority and opt for group decisions implemented by those they deem to be naturally smarter and who look after them. Anytime free markets and democracy are diminished, society moves into retrograde. That is our situation in medicine today.

 This mentality provides fertile ground for corruption to enter the picture. Over-specialization medicine is highly profitable for the healthcare industry. Laws have been passed to make it the only option.

Anytime free markets and democracy are diminished, society moves into retrograde. That is our situation in medicine today.