The Game of Dominance and Subservience

Would it not be nice to have a board game called Dominance and Subservience? Perhaps if enough people played the game, it would come to light that life exists in a system of dominance and subservience.

It is the job of each species to dominate and make use of as many other species as possible. Dominate all of the other species and have them serve mankind. They don’t all get a bad deal. Dogs volunteer to be dominated and get a decent deal in return. Dogs end up trading freedom for comfort and are content when able to do so.

Human being are the dominant species living in the world today. Humans not only dominate all other worldly species, they also dominate and make servants of each other. Dominance and subservience are such an important part of life, the process is sometimes hard to notice. Subservience is almost always voluntary as with dogs.

Early in life, humans gain some knowledge of what they are capable of and who and how many people they can influence. Decisions are made to serve in exchange for comfort, mostly when individuals have concluded in their own minds that it is in their best option for survival. None of this is spoken.

Some are more successful at the game of Dominance and Subservience than others.  What becomes of the most successful players of the game? These folks become presidents, congressmen and CEOs of huge corporations. The very most successful are private citizens who control enough wealth to dictate policy to government. World leaders are among the very best at dominance and subservience. Power and money are the rewards.

Where is the game of dominance and subservience played? It is played everywhere but the greatest contests go on in and around government. Democracy turns out to be a predator’s playground. Government’s primary activity turns out to be that of those with enough power getting what they want through government and having others pay for it.

Ordinary citizens fall in the trap of believing elected officials are motivated by ideology and are trying to improve the country. Governments have never operated that way.


Flaws in Human Nature

Flaws in Human Nature  PDF Version

I have to confess. I was born without the capacity to indulge in euphemisms. From birth, I have never been able to take comfort in something that is untrue and certainly could not believe something was true when it wasn’t. As a small child there was not even one second when I believed in Santa Clause. In elementary school, I remember having an epiphany that teachers were as likely to lie as were the children. Continue reading

How To Be Poor

How To Be Poor. PDF Version

Although not yet acknowledged, most Americans are going to lose everything they own. Why is this inevitable? Learn to think in the light of reality and it is completely clear. Do that and recognize what is obvious. Don’t do that and be suddenly surprised. Root causes become completely apparent. The United States has dismantled its free market system and opted for a system of central economic planning, though not stated and not in an easily recognizable form. Modern monetary theory solutions, i.e. QE etc., constitute central economic planning. With any kind of intervention , the government gets commandeered by the politically powerful who get laws passed and policies implemented which transfer resources to them. This practice has been ongoing in vengeance since the Reagan Administration. The damage is done. The consequences will be severe. This is reality. Continue reading