Three Possible Paths To Reality

Three Possible Paths To Reality PDF Version
The escape from reality begins at birth.‭ ‬In the beginning,‭ ‬fantasy leaves reality in the dust.‭ ‬Early on,‭ ‬the reality gap gets wider and wider.‭ ‬Normally,‭ ‬reality catches up with a person several times during a lifetime.‭ ‬That occurs for a number of reasons.‭ ‬It can be a natural disaster,‭ ‬an ‬act of war,‭ ‬divorce or any number of emotional upheavals.‭ ‬The propensity to fantasize is strong and relentless.

In the end,‭ ‬reality catches us all.‭ ‬Since reality is the way it is,‭ ‬and fantasy is a false but ‭ ‬appealing alternative,‭ ‬the motivation to escape ‬is always with us.‭ ‬In the end‭ ‬,reality catches up and we all face what nature has in store Continue reading

Views: 88

Awareness Constitutes Self-Defense

The link is to the PDF book, The Great Taking by David
Rogers Webb

Not one in one thousand is aware of the dangerous situation they and the world they live in are in. Awareness truly does constitute self defense. With regard to unpleasant things and circumstances, all will be understood in time. With these things, it is better to understand soon as apposed to late. There is great insight in this book. It is the kind insight all will wish they had when it made a difference. It makes a difference now. It will make no difference at all later.


Views: 259

More Censorship Please

More Censorship Please.PDF Version

Americans seem to be good with censorship as it is. Here are some ideas for even more.

Countless ads are placed on social media as well as on cable and network TV. We need fact checkers to review the veracity of the content and claims made in their ads. If anything said or written in these ads is questionable, they must be taken down immediately reader. Continue reading

Views: 111

The Mideast Solution

First, let me acknowledge my personal position on Jews in general and Israel as a nation. Where Jews are the topic in general, you can count me pro-Jewish. That doesn’t imply that I am anti-anyone. I am not pro or anti – Israel. Even though I have an affinity for Jews in general, Israel is a foreign nation. With that in mind, I understand that the leadership in Israel is corrupt, just as it is in every other nation in the world

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Views: 116

Times Are Getting Weird

In 2009 I  wrote this song. At that time, I never thought that it would become as prophetic as it is turning out to be,  The system didn’t collapse in 2009. The country switched to what functions about the same as a wartime economy. Demand increases, GDP increases but demand is generated by edict, instead of being born of actual bill paying people. That has bought time for the economy. Now we must face what we avoided facing in 2009, but at a much higher price.

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Views: 52

Timely Wisdom For Trying Times?

Since becoming incapacitated, I have turned into a complete fatalist. That is with the exception of finding ways to cure myself. So far so good with this approach. I have this other approach that says most ideas are bad. Most of my ideas, with respect to home cures.. Just a few work. That is what counts.

For me, impetuousness almost always turns out badly.Distinguishing bait from an opportunity is tricky. I am better off waiting for the universe to blink Continue reading

Views: 43

Is Communism a Better System Than the Free Market System

Communism, is a better system on paper. On paper, a chain letter is an ideal business model. So, yes, communism is a better system as long as it is not applied in a real world setting.

All that is accomplished in an economic setting, is governed by market forces. What are market sources? Market forces are multitudes of people all pursuing what they want in terms of self interest. For communism to be effective market forces would have to disappear when a communist system is put in place. Self interest is part of human nature. Self interest never disappears.

Whoever or whatever is in charge of a communist system acts out of self interest. In a free market system, self interest lends toward efficiency. In a communist system, self interest generates inefficiency. It is as simple as that. Thanks for asking.

Views: 49

Instinctive Human Propensities

The human race generally deems itself to be a thinking species, with instinctive behaviors having only a minor influence over everyday behavior. If we just look at the opinions people adopt and observe the way decisions are made, it is clear that the opposite is true. Independent thought is extremely rare. In the United States. Citizens see themselves as independent thinkers in charge of their democratically based republic. Look at the political outcomes in our country. Given the results we see, only instinctive behaviors could possibly generate the results we witness. Continue reading

Views: 67

How Is Sin Related To Power?

First let me explain what sin actually is. Sin is the same thing in the secular world as it is in the spiritual realm. 

Are you familiar with the term mal-adaptive behavior? Some are not. Mal-adaptive behavior is that which, if practiced over time actually causes a species to become extinct. Every sin, related to secular life, that is mentioned in the bible works against the overall interest of the human species. Try and find an exception. I can’t. Sin and mal-adaptive are synonyms when applied in a secular setting. Continue reading

Views: 343